However, I do try my best to squeeze in some lunchtime workouts during the week as I find that not only is it a great way of getting some training in, it also helps you to combat the dreaded 'mid-afternoon slump'!
Plus I find that as I only have a limited time, my workouts tend to be fairly well focused and structured (regular readers of this blog will recognise that I struggle with both of these traits!! ;-) )
I'm going to start sharing my lunch break activities with you as and when... I can't promise they'll be any good or suitable for everyone but the one below can be done by anyone who has a bench, some free weights, a rope and a little bit of space!
You seriously don't need much space, just look... this is my work gym - how microscopic?!

Only one of the treadmills works, both bikes are broken (I've never used the 'multi-gym', it's pretty rubbish) and the elliptical trainers make your toes go numb if you use them for more than 20 mins, but I can still get a reasonable workout in if I use some effort and imagination :-)
Today I'm going to tell you about the workout I did last Friday lunchtime.
If you like the look of it, here is the equipment you will need:
* 1 x jump rope. I use one with weighted handles but any is fine
* 2 x heavy-ish dumbbells (the weight you'd use to perform about 12-15 'standard' biceps curls)
* 2 x lighter dumbbells (approx 1/2 to 2/3rds the weight of the other ones)
* 1 x mat (optional - if you have carpet you might not need this)
* 1 x bench
* bit of space with reasonably high ceiling (I have to stand smack bang in the middle of my work's gym when I skip or I'll take out the light fittings!!)
And here are the exercises you're going to do:
(click on the exercise name for link to video/picture/animation or, if you're familiar with the exercises, click here to be taken directly to the routine)
* Biceps Concentration Curls
Notes: These are harder to do than regular bicep curls as you isolate the muscles and use nothing else to perform the movement (it's amazing how many people you see in gyms with weights that are too heavy literally 'rocking' their arms into a curl with the weight of their body!!).
Sit on a bench or stability ball with your legs wide apart and rest the back of the arm with the weight on your inside thigh - use the other arm for stability.
This exercise is good from an ego perspective as you can really see the biceps working hard! ;-)
* Biceps Hammer Curls
Notes: Like the concentration curls, I find that these also require a slightly lighter weight than that which I'm used to for regular curls as the movement is more isolated and forces you to concentrate on using the biceps to do the work... as opposed to your back, shoulders etc.
For this exercise I sit at the end and astride the bench with my arms by my side to begin and curl both at the same time. But you can alternate them if you like. Lift the weights up as if you were holding a baton (or bottle of beer!) so that your thumbs are facing upwards instead of your palms as with regular curls.
* Triceps Kickbacks
Notes: This exercise is harder than you might think and requires some concentration to get it right. You may wish to choose a lighter weight from that which you can curl. Make sure you engage your core muscles during the exercise and try to avoid twisting your back.
Although this movement targets your triceps (and indeed it is those muscles that facilitate the movement!), the only part of your arm that should move is the forearm. Ensure that you keep your elbow raised and still, if you find that you're dropping it or you're having to rock to 'kick-back' the arm then the weight is too heavy and you should drop it down a smidgen to avoid hurting your back
* Overhead Triceps Extensions
Notes: You will most likely need a lighter weight than the one used in the biceps curls/triceps kickbacks. I use one which is 2kg lighter, any heavier and I'd probably bash myself in the head with it!!
Variations: I tend to stand up while doing this and hold onto my triceps with my other arm to stabilise the shoulder joint... I only do this because I have rotator cuff issues due to hypermobile joints. You can sit down if it's more comfortable and you don't have to hold onto your arm if you feel it unnecessary - whatever feels most comfortable during the movement, just make sure you control the movement when lowering your arm as much as when extending it :-)
* Skipping
I'm sure you don't need a picture for this, although that's not to say that skipping's not challenging... it's just not hard to figure out for yourself ;-)
Try to keep skipping for the entire time, no matter how difficult it feels - it will get easier I promise!
* Plank
Notes: try and keep a straight line across your back and avoid sticking your butt up in the air or lowering it below the hips. This exercise hurts, but it is SO worth it :-)
Variations: If you're feeling particularly hardcore, you can always try the straight arm Plank variation on this already tough exercise!
* Quadruped (Alternating Arm and Leg)
Notes: This odd-sounding exercise is fabulous in that it works your entire core, without you (seemingly) having to do much! The main focus is on balance though and in this exercise I want you to hold the pose for at least 30 seconds (instead of alternating in quick succession like the video clip). The longer you hold the pose, the harder it gets to balance and the harder you are working your core muscles as well as improving your butt - everyone's a winner! :-)
Variations: If you want to make this tougher you could consider wearing ankle and/or wrist weights to make this more difficult for your arms and legs. Also, instead of kneeling you can come up on your toes like this. However, if you're new to this exercise it's probably best to stick with the basic move which is effective enough in itself without the need for variation.
* Bicycle Crunches
Notes: Jillian Michaels says that these are the best all-round abdominal exercises you can do and I tend to agree. This exercise works your upper and lower abs, as well as your obliques - perfect if you're pushed for time and want to blast the lot!!
Place your fingers behind your ear lobes - not head - to avoid using your hands to propel you forward increasing the risk of neck strain. Bring your elbow to your opposing knee, breathe out as you lift your elbow upwards and breathe in as you lower it and your leg.
Okay so now you're familiar with the exercises, how about we put them into a workout?
This is what I did on Friday, it's a circuit of all the exercises I mentioned which you repeat 3 times. It's guaranteed to get the heart racing and make you feel fabulous afterwards for having worked so hard!
The whole routine took me about 50 mins which included time for re-working the programme, re-tying my stupid long hair which kept getting tangled in the jump rope and sitting down panting for breath after each skipping interval!
Next time I do it I'm hoping to get down below 45 minutes!
Tara's Fitness Fat Blasting Routine
* Skipping - 3 minutes
* Plank - hold for 60 seconds
* Quadruped - hold for minimum of 30 seconds each side
* Bicycle Crunches - 20 reps each side
* Concentration Curl - 10 reps each arm
* Overhead Triceps Extension - 10 reps each arm
* Hammer Curl - 10 reps each arm
* Triceps Kickback - 10 reps each arm
(rest for a few seconds... then repeat!)
* Skipping - 3 minutes
* Plank - hold for 60 seconds
* Quadruped - hold for minimum of 30 seconds each side
* Bicycle Crunches - 20 reps each side
* Concentration Curl - 10 reps each arm
* Overhead Triceps Extension - 10 reps each arm
* Hammer Curl - 10 reps each arm
* Triceps Kickback - 10 reps each arm
(as above, rest for a little while but no longer than 30 seconds, pick up your jump rope and get right back into it!)
* Skipping - 3 minutes
* Plank - hold for 60 seconds
* Quadruped - hold for minimum of 30 seconds each side
* Bicycle Crunches - 20 reps each side
* Concentration Curl - 10 reps each arm
* Overhead Triceps Extension - 10 reps each arm
* Hammer Curl - 10 reps each arm
* Triceps Kickback - 10 reps each arm
(finish and congratulate yourself on a job well done, feel very smug for having made such fabulous use of your lunch break/free period, note your time and try and beat it on your next attempt!)
So that's your lot for now, if you like the sounds of it then do let me know and I hope you have as much fun doing it as I did :-)
jeez, i thought it was just me whose toes went numb on ellipticals. lol good to know.
ReplyDeleteI've been thinking for ages that I need to try and come up with a workout like that. Its really good that you don't need to much space or equipment either, I'll think I might try that out! Thanks x
ReplyDeletePlease check out my new blog
Great workout Tara! Amazing all the things you can do without a gym... :)
Chris my toes *always* go numb on my work elliptical trainers but that's because they're 'cheaper' models... the foot paddle slopes down so it shoves our toes forwards into your running shoes, cutting off circulation, not good! the machines at my gym cost a little more (technogym machines rock) and the foot paddle stays horizontal... hey presto, no numb toes! :-)
ReplyDeleteAngel - blog duly noted :-)
Thanks Caroline, I hope you enjoy it as much as I did (when I wasn't feeling like I might collapse!)
You can focus on getting fit and healthy. You can reexamine your career path. If you always wanted to do something--now's the time.