Friday, 29 May 2009

good news Vs bad news

So, the good news is that I tried on my birthday dress (not suit... mind ;-) ) and I could zip it up - hurrah! It's a size 10 so very pleased (although I realise that it's just because of the style and that I am slender of waist... if it was tight fitting around my hips and thighs I'd stand no chance!)

the bad news is that the ability to sit down, and/or breathe is going to be difficult to the point of impermissible!


breathing's overrated... surely?!

anyway, it looks fab, it's dark blue and gold stitched brocade, I haven't a picture of it with me so thought I'd improvise...

what do you reckon?

I bought it *ages* ago in a sale, so it's probably like soooo last season daaaahling, but it looks vintage and I found an awesome mask to go with it:

I was very excited to see that my pack of famous masks had arrived... ultra speedy ebay delivery, very pleased indeed! what do you think of these? ;-) I already have a taker for the Ziggy and also Marylyn!

I reckon the other half will jump at the thought of being Indie for a night... even though I have got him this mask already:

anyway, must get on now, very excited about tomorrow!


  1. Thanks! I had the most awesome night, will have to post pictures soon :-) x
