Monday, 3 August 2009

Wasted Sunday...

I was very hungover yesterday, and a bit of a waste of space really! Joe and I saw some friends on Saturday and had a fab night, lovely food, wine, company... :-)

unfortunately we were playing Buzz on the PS2 until the wee small hours, and to be honest, I don't remember much about the walk home, or really anything from that point onwards - there was evidence of washing being hung up and peanut butter and jam on toast being consumed - though I couldn't tell you if that was me or Joe!!

I'm getting too old for this. And, although I has a wicked time, I did regret not going to the gym as planned. There wasn't any point though, I had no energy and it would have been a half-hearted workout, a lacklustre performance to say the least, pointless really!

Instead I cooked a couple of nice spatchcock chickens for us with sweet potato mash (me) and sautéed new potatoes (the boys) and a yummy salad.

We ventured out to watch the new Harry Potter movie, but unfortunately the tickets had all sold out, which is a shame as I'd figured that wasting of a couple of hours on comfy seats in a dark cinema watching a bit of brainless fun (sorry to all HP fans!) would be the perfect panacea to a hungover soul like me.

Instead we all watched an absolute classic - Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark, what a jolly good lark :-)

I made my first protein pancake on Saturday, it was hilariously horrid!!

I used *far* too many egg whites, and too much Promax Diet, and cooked it too long... the result was a thick piece of pink/brown cardboard - ha!!

I smothered it with fruit, and then later peanut butter, and forced it down... wasn't going to let it go to waste! The hilarious thing was that my son actually thought it was tasty and kept pinching some! Maybe it was the addition of blueberries that rescued it a little for him?

I was ridiculously full for hours afterwards mind, very effective!!

I was quite pleased with myself yesterday though, despite being smelly and hungover, I resisted the bacon and egg sandwich that Joe made himself and my son *smug mode*

Instead I gave the protein pancake another bash... this time with just 3 egg-whites and 1 scoop of Maximuscle Promax Diet in Strawberry flavour - I almost got it right but unfortunately I couldn't find the fish slice scoopy thing so one side got overcooked and was a bit rubbery.

However, it was much nicer than Saturday's effort and I covered it with 125g of Quark, mixed with a little acacia honey (my fave) and some blueberries and raspberries.

With my pancake I drank a lovely glass of smoothie. I'm not sure if I've posted this before, but this is my smoothie maker, it's the Kenwood Smoothie 2GO and I absolutely adore it, perhaps comparably, or even a little more, than my breadmaker as I get to benefit from this a little more than the boys :-D

I love this machine because it's so easy to use and so clever! You attach the lid with the blade directly to the jug, then turn it upside down and slot it into the machine. Once you've finished blending you take it out and replace the lid with the blade with a lid with a drinking spout, it's so simple - and easy to clean which is a BIG plus :-)

Into my smoothie went:

1 nectarine
1 banana
handful of blueberries
big handful of raspberries
100g cherries (they're actually a bastard to stone and my hands looked like how Lady Macbeth imagined hers did afterwards, so not sure if I'll bother in future!)
1 kiwi
a few blackberries (though not too many as they're a little tart)
250g ultra low fat natural yogurt
1 scoop Maximuscle Promax Diet in Strawberry flavour

It was LUSH!!

I must point out that I didn't drink this entire shake, in fact I only managed half as my son nabbed the rest, he loves my smoothies almost as much as I do!

I feel very lucky to have a 13 year old who actually enjoys healthy food, he's a big salad fan and adores fruit. He eats practically all vegetables too... just doesn't enjoy mushrooms on their own (but will have them if they're part of a meal) or cooked tomatoes (but likes them raw in salads). If we go to a restaurant he'll pick something adventurous off the menu (unlike in pubs when it's invariably the burger and chips that he goes for!!), at a French restaurant once he picked snails - yuck! He didn't like them very much though, but only because apparently they have the texture of mushrooms!

Anyway, going to get on now but will post later about my Operation M-BOT which stands for Maximuscle Body Of 2009 - you like ;-) ?!!

August is my 'getting my shit together' month and, as from today, I am launching the Four Week Fat Attack, today being Day One... very exciting, more later!

TJ x

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